
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Manifestation of Stupidity!

I feel kind of creepy when I read about such things. A 19-year boy having sex with a 17-year school kid is socially acceptable (in the Indian context) or not is altogether a different issue. I’m not delving in to it now. But I cannot digest the fact that people could be so dumb. You do something that’s very private and personal (and of course not even legal) and instead of burying it deep in your hearts you leave a manifestation of it for the whole world to see. Similar incident happened in 2000 or 2001. Two college friends in Bangalore had their sex act filmed in their handy cam and when the guy wanted a CD print for himself, the whole world had it before he did. The DPS issue is the latest in this genre. I know, it is sick but then you must remember that you live in a mad, mad world. Now, some of you might argue that it is one’s own wish that he or she could do whatever they want to and the world must go blind. If you are one with such idealistic thoughts, Mars might be perfectly suitable for you inhabitance. One thing that kindles my curiosity is that, why do people want to film these things? Is it something that they invented? Is it not something that is happening from the days of Adam and Eve? Can they ever share it with they children/grand children? If no, then, why on earth would they do this? I’m clueless. You have any ideas? Enlighten me!

If you are still adamant about filming, you might want to check out this handy cam. It writes directly to a DVD!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Weekend Thrills!

I’m back, much earlier than I expected. Probably the weekend provided the necessary thrust to wake me up from my hibernation. Bad ones first, my laptop is infected with a Trojan spam and my stupid Norton failed to destroy it. I’m downloading all available spywares to get it cleaned up. Till now, all my efforts are futile. Ok, now to the good ones. I watched two movies this weekend. My views on them follow,

Stay Alive

Apt to the name, the movie is scary and thrilling. “Stay Alive” is the name of a video game on which this movie is based on. “What happens when the game starts playing you?” – the movie promos flash this line everywhere. I guess, it explains all. A group of friends are being haunted after they start playing this game. They start getting killed in the same way they are killed in the game. Sounds creepy? Believe me, it is! The first half of the movie is very good. The director has managed to scare the audience every now and then. The background music is haunting and keeps you guessing all time what would be happening next. Till the end of the first half, it seemed like it was one of the best horror movies, I had seen recently. But the second half was lousy and it was a complete let down. It ended like a fairy tale, which could possibly scare toddlers, I’m not even sure of this. But in all, it was a pretty decent movie that could be watched once at least for the sake of the first half.

The Hills have Eyes

This was my second thriller in a row. The trailer of this movie evoked a lot of curiosity and I couldn’t resist it. “Between 1932 and 1955, the US government has conducted stealthily more than 331 nuclear tests in the deserts of New Mexico” – The movie starts with this prologue. I could guess something about this movie even during the titles. And I was right! A whole inhabited village has suffered the wrath of nuclear radiation because of a nuclear testing performed by the US government. It has become lost and unidentified in the middle of the New Mexico desert. Years later, there are cases of people disappearing who try to cross this desert region. The movie revolves around the mysterious things that happen to an American family who plan on a road trip to San Diego, CA through this desert. More than scary, I would say, this movie is gory. Too much of bloodshed and too many unpleasant things force one to close his eyes involuntarily. The plot is not so tight and if you had watched movies like the House of Wax, you could make a guess on what would happen next. I don’t know how long would Hollywood cash in on the idea of a disappeared village/town. “Silent Hill” is another movie that is getting released this spring; I guess it has the same story line. If you are a horror buff and if gory things were your interest, I would say, there is no harm in watching this movie once.

There are still a couple of more movies on my list, V for Vendetta, heard that the dialogues are very good; Failure to Launch, I don’t like Sarah Jessica Parker and that’s one reason why I don’t feel like running to this movie but I heard that it is a refreshingly good comedy. And then of course, I would watch MI 3, once it gets released. X-Men 3 is also stated to be released soon but I’m not very fond of it, so might skip that one. Hah! Lets see!!

Hope, all you guys had a great weekend too!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Ran out!

I think I’ve probably run out of things to write about. I don’t want to let my blog die but then my brain has become so much uncooperative that getting something out of it is like, like whatever! See, I can’t even think of a metaphor! Guess, a short break would certainly aid in replenishing my gray cells. So, until my brain starts overflowing with ideas, I would abstain myself from posting anything. But sure would I read your posts! Keep checking out (Ohh! I love this song by Beyonce Knowles!!) this space; I might get some gyan at midnight and might feel irresistible to write about it!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Guru!

I used to feel like a fish out of water, living in a world where everyone except me seemed to have a thing in common. LOVE. I was experiencing suffocation. It was not that I was against love or something but when people started discussing about their affairs, I felt as if I was estranged. One of my co-workers is trying hard to head back home and get married with her boy friend. Day in, day out, she would keep on talking about this; A roommate of mine is always busy over the phone working hard not to let go of his girl friend by flying kisses over the cable; while the other two are engrossed day and night discussing what would be the best way to let their parents know about their love affairs.

Amidst all these hullabaloos, I was sitting like a perfect monk, impassive and mouth shut, making sure that I didn’t mouth any smart comments. Whenever somebody started this topic, I would go in to hibernation. My physical presence used to cover up the fact that I was mentally absent. But it didn’t need a genius to know that I was not interested in the conversations. I was becoming silent and silent and suddenly I even started talking to myself to ascertain the fact that I was not a mute.

But of late, I have started enjoying the show. You won’t believe me, if I say that I’ve become an adept counselor in this niche area. The hardest part in this role is keeping your laughter concealed behind your lips. Believe me, there is a huge risk of getting killed in this job. For instance, when a lover boy comes to you and seeks your advice on what he should present his girl friend to make her happy, the instantaneous thing that would come to my mind is – a good boy friend. If I spit these words, my chances of survival would tend down to minus infinity. But then, there is no fun in doing things that are risk-free. Right?

This part time job is very lucrative in terms of its entertainment value and the high level of visibility that you get out of it.

PS: Parts of the above said are fictitious and were meant only for the writer’s self-entertainment!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Twists and turns..

…Whims and vagaries, be it whatever in these lines, nature would be the perfect example to illustrate such phrases. Living in a country where there are four, clearly demarcated seasons, spring, summer, fall and winter, it is really amazing to experience the sudden changes in the weather. When everybody thought that winter had come to an end, nature had different plans. The whole of last week was pleasant in the 10’s and we were planning happily for the next week, camping? Hiking? Driving? And what not? But in a matter of minutes, all over plans came to the ground.

It was breezy, warm and in the high 10’s till 7’o clock in the evening yesterday. And then it all started one by one. Rain showers, sleets, snow flurries and then came the snowstorm, whoosh from nowhere. It snowed all through the night and hasn’t ceased yet, resulting in the accrual of 10 inches of snow on the roads and side walks.

Today morning, on the way to office, my car didn’t bother to be maneuvered, it took its own course. I steer left it veers to the right. After a few dexterous ice-skating moves on the road, I managed to reach office. I’m still looking through the window, hoping that the weather would become better. I see some light through the blinds. Now, that’s a good sign.

There’s one more thing to be done that has started haunting me now, scraping the ice out of my car. Poor thing, I have left it to suffer in an open parking. Hell, I guess, I have to scrap the faceplates first to identify mine or else I would have cleared up someone else’s free of cost. Well, I can never dream of doing all these things once I’m back in India. So, though these activities suck, a pang of ecstasy rushes out from somewhere inside my heart.
Photo - 1 - View from my patio

Photo - 2 - My drive way

Friday, March 10, 2006

Some things, some places and some people…

..are fresh in our memories, etched deep in our hearts. I’m trying to give shape to one such incident. I know I could never bring all those subtle feelings on paper. Let me give it a shot though.

Place: St. Thomas Mount, Chennai
Time: 4 years back
Actors: Ms. X and Me

I’ve already written about Ms. X somewhere in my previous posts. But anyways, here is a quick intro. She was one of the thickest friends I had in college. One day, as usual, she had screwed up her DSP exam and came out crying out of the exam hall. Being a good friend, I knew exactly how to handle such things. We went to St. Thomas Mt; sat there watching planes land and take off, enjoying a chocobar. Neither of us spoke. I knew she was too engrossed in her exam. I never start a conversation under such circumstances. She broke the spell.

She: I’m sorry to have brought you here with your exams tomorrow. But I needed someone to talk to. I would go insane crying if I were alone. You know that, don’t you?

Me: Its ok. And you very well know that I don’t read at the last minute. I enjoy going out during exams. Hey!

She: I know that. But don’t blame me, if you didn’t get good grades. You always do that.

Me: Hey! Come on. Don’t you start an argument now? Okay?

She: Do you mean to say that I initiate a fight always? I should never have come here. I thought you would be bored and that’s the reason I agreed to come with you. Now, you are spoiling my mood.

Me: *Eyes wide open* you came here for me???

She: Of course! Would I have come here if it were not you?

Me: God! I came here for you and it was not the other way. Ok, whatever lets go back to the hostel. I’m in no mood now.

She: *childish look* I’m sorry. This is all because of my stupid exam. Lets stay here for some more time. It’s so pleasant and serene here.

Me: See, you always say something stupid and then plead guilty. I have to forget everything and become normal right at that moment. I’m fed up with this.

She: Hey! You have to bear with this only for one more month. College is getting over and I would be gone. *laughs*

Me: *shocked but managed to keep my face impassive*

(Silence prevailed for 5 minutes)

She: Would you miss me and all these silly fracas and reconciliations?

Me: No way, I would be relieved of all these, yay!!

She: *(looked in to my eyes and stared for a moment. I felt as she was thinking “Something deep down inside me says that you would feel bad about this one day”)*

It is so true, even after 4 years, I still miss her and our silly fights. I’m somewhere in NA and she is happily married and lives in a beautiful country in Europe. Mouth sometimes utters words without consulting the heart.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Perfectly Droolable......!

Is this Helen? No... Cassandra? Nope...this is Salma Hayek, undoubtfully comparable to any greek beauty :)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A wrong signal!
Unusually, I was having some time today to watch TV. I generally enjoy the comedy shows that come on air after 6:30. I was enjoying Seinfeld and then came Malcom in the middle. For those of you who haven't watched M in the M, a brief intro on what it is about. 4 teenage boys and their relationship with their girlfriends is all about it.
Donna and Eric are long term friends. Donna is very sporty and skilled. She beats Eric in almost everything, be it basket ball or hockey. Eric gets humiliated by his friends for losing to his girl. At times, he gets uncomfortable with Donna due to this.
A dialogue of Donna's mom under this circumstances infuriated me, "Donna, you must make men feel that you are weak and fragile, that makes them feel that they are superior in this world. Only then, they will be comfortable in any relationship". Now, what is this? Are men like this? I havent been in a long term relationship with any girl so far. Even if I'm, I would certainly not feel this way. So do my friends.
We speak of women's liberalization and equality. But, if women fake themselves like this for satisfying some stupid men, how could we ever take any step further in this. I know, I should not be bothered by a comedy show but something tells me that this sends wrong signals to both the sides!