I feel kind of creepy when I read about such things. A 19-year boy having sex with a 17-year school kid is socially acceptable (in the Indian context) or not is altogether a different issue. I’m not delving in to it now. But I cannot digest the fact that people could be so dumb. You do something that’s very private and personal (and of course not even legal) and instead of burying it deep in your hearts you leave a manifestation of it for the whole world to see. Similar incident happened in 2000 or 2001. Two college friends in Bangalore had their sex act filmed in their handy cam and when the guy wanted a CD print for himself, the whole world had it before he did. The DPS issue is the latest in this genre. I know, it is sick but then you must remember that you live in a mad, mad world. Now, some of you might argue that it is one’s own wish that he or she could do whatever they want to and the world must go blind. If you are one with such idealistic thoughts, Mars might be perfectly suitable for you inhabitance. One thing that kindles my curiosity is that, why do people want to film these things? Is it something that they invented? Is it not something that is happening from the days of Adam and Eve? Can they ever share it with they children/grand children? If no, then, why on earth would they do this? I’m clueless. You have any ideas? Enlighten me!
If you are still adamant about filming, you might want to check out this handy cam. It writes directly to a DVD!