
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Me, Myself and My Future!

According to me marrying a working woman is a safe bet for a number of reasons,

1. She knows about work pressures and things that suck in a work place and would be able to empathise well with me in case I'm in such a situation.
2. She wouldn't be home bored all alone when I'm off to work.
3. She would be independant on her own and I would never have to worry about her security if at all something happens to me.
4. It would be cool to introduce her to my friends, "hey, she is a doctor man..she works at XYZ company man..blah blah"..
5. If I could afford to buy a Maruti Zen on my own, with her I could buy a brand new Honda Civic..Isn't that cool??

But, I guess there are some statistics that prove exactly opposite to my point of view..As per this article, it seems that as women get richer, the tendency of them getting divorced increases.
But what the hell, these statistics are some crap given by a few morons.


Blogger Naveen said...

$ Anu - :), glad to cya here..btw, dont you post anything?

8:14 PM  
Blogger My Ramblings... said...

There are some loony tunes out there who actually try to talk you out of working.
"why do you need to work after you get married?" Say what???

9:10 AM  
Blogger Laks said...

well naveen, i think the women are probably getting a lil smarter in saying that they can also have things their way.. but hey if u carefully read the article.. its obvious that the divorce is brought about only coz the "guy" feels insecure or insignificant if he earns less than her...

12:23 PM  
Blogger Shruthi said...

Nice one... Pretty true... Long time no see though

1:29 AM  
Blogger Life Lover said...

A lot of men think like you these days and that makes it much better for a woman with a rising career and aspirations. I've seen though that the tricky part for men is to stick to their modern beliefs over a long period of time- through the wife's promotions and pay rises :)

12:03 AM  
Blogger Sriram said...

who knows.. maybe men somewhere deep down feel that they can quit when they no longer feel like working and take up something that they've wanted to do since childhood. a working wife would be a great fallback then. but asking women to stop working is way too stupid.. for all the reasons u mentioned and more.

10:53 PM  
Blogger Kavitha said...

For the sake of an argument, in reference to #4, should we take it that you would not consider it "cool" to introduce her to your friends if she was not a career woman??

10:34 PM  

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