
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

You can do it! - Can I?

"Build what you can, with what you have, from where you are" - Isn't this true? I have this in a placard stuck in my work place. Whenever I read it, I feel, "Yes, I can do it!". I posted an article under the name "My Dream". I dint have this wonderful placard with me at that time. I happened to get that on the same day I posted that article :)

One has to first indentify what he has and where he is, before starting to think what he can do. "What he has" doesnt mean the wealth or money that a person possesses. Rather, it is the quality(s) that he has. Say for instance, hard working, sincere and dedication are some of such qualities.

"Where he is" doesnt exactly mean which place on earth the person lives. Rather, it is the situation or the environment that he lives. It could also mean his position in the society or the organization where he works.

After having explained the premises, we can now try to explain the conclusion that is drawn from them. "Build what you can" might literally look like building some structure. But it actually means "achieving something". One cannot dream simply to become a doctor without actually knowing "what he has" and "where he is". The person should have qualities like hard working and dedication (what he has) to achieve it. More importantly his parents, friends or teachers (where he is) should help him out to reach out his dream.

So for a person to suceed in his life "what he has" and "where he is" should be condusive. I know, I started with a positive note but rather ended with a negative conclusion. But that is life for you :)


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